A trader fights with Felix and Rob after losing $100k

rob the robberHot from the news, ForexPeaceArmy has caused a trader to lose 100k in a wrong signal this week.

The trader from US was fooled by the marketing propaganda Felix and Rob are overwhelming the web with.

He followed their signal and was stuck with a huge loss of 100k. Felix refused to reply to his emails, and at last, he was able to locate them at their place.

The fight has been going for 3 days now, and the bastards refuse to help(not sure if they are able to help either)

The poor guy is now involving a lawyer and evaluates all possible actions.


One response to “A trader fights with Felix and Rob after losing $100k

  1. OptionsDisable Get Free Shots weblog.infoworld.com/zeroday/archives… My Account Global Dashboard Tag Surfer My Comments Stats Edit Profile Contact Support WordPress.com Log OutMy Dashboards forexpeacearmy sigmaforexNew Post forexpeacearmy sigmaforexBlog Info Random Post Subscribe to blog Remove from Blogroll Report as spam Report as matureHome About Us Patent Brokers Help Forex MarketEntries RSS | Comments RSS June 2008 M T W T F S S « Apr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Archives April 2008 March 2008 February 2007 Helping Forex Market Attacking Forex Market Felix Has Millions Of Names to Make Fake Contents Help Forex Market From Attacking Meta Site Admin Log out Entries RSS Comments RSS WordPress.org Recent Posts http://forexbastards.blogspot.com/ http://forexbastards.blogspot.com/ FPA Helps FX Solutions and AVAFX FX Solutions Lies Forex Family Bastards See Latest News Felix Homogratis Threading Me December 31, 1969 Felix Homogratus Joke | ForexPeaceArmy Jokes December 31, 1969 Forex Reputation Has Gone December 31, 1969 Latest Forex Scam (ForexPeaceArmy) December 31, 1969 Blood Over The Counter December 31, 1969 The Mysterious Relationship between AVAFX and FX Solution (FxSol) December 31, 1969 Peter Bain and the Undoubtedly From Being another Felix December 31, 1969 FPA And Peter Bain…Another Form of Scam December 31, 1969 Coffman (Felix) and Tom Yeomans…Two Faces of the Same Coin December 31, 1969 Tom Yeomans Scam Warning December 31, 1969 FPA Helps FX Solutions and AVAFX December 31, 1969 FX Solutions Lies December 31, 1969 Forex Family Bastards December 31, 1969 The Owner of FX Solutions December 31, 1969 FX Solutions and AVAFX Secrets December 31, 1969 Unrecognized Forex Owners December 31, 1969 Secrets Of Forex Peace Army December 31, 1969 FX Solutions Swallow the Market December 31, 1969 Forex Blackmail Under The Table December 31, 1969 Protect Forex Market with Firewall against Spammers December 31, 1969 Blog Stats 1,618 hits Top Clicks None Top Posts Protect Forex Market against Mafia Forex Bastards Scam http://forexbastards.blogspot.com/ FX Solutions and AVAFX Secrets Cases of Felix Homogratus | Forex Bastards Convert Your Way in Thinking about Forex Brokers Pharaoh is the New Name for Felix!! FPA Helps FX Solutions and AVAFX About Us Felix is the Owner of MB Trading http://forexbastards.blogspot.com/ Posted on April 20, 2008 by forexpeace Attacking Forex Market The Forex Market Facing Now a great attack by some of groups that work as Fake Traders, Fake defenders. There are Millions & Millions of Forex Brokers but before you choose one of them you must avoid yourself from being scammed. Help Me To Build this community that will show The Justice & The Scam All Posts in This blog real & has it’s prove Thanks For Google that gave us this present Help Forex From Attacking ↑ Grab this Headline Animator Wednesday Blood Over The Counter Vanishing of Millions?!!! Artificiality seems to play a domain role in our Forex Market, and it has its professional players. Those players have been introduced to you previously aiming that truth may prevail one day. To begin our story we should first introduce the history of FX Solution. we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards’ Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army. There has been found among FX Solution’s trades an account that was opened by a millionaire with millions of dollars as a live account. But what seems to be obscure here is that after opening this accounts and sending funds this millionaire has been disappeared, and no body knows where he has gone!!! Certainly, this millionaire is not a mad man to throw this huge amount of money on air like this and leave them without even canceling it. There seems an obvious riddle that may any one has the key to solve it. The News will be released after contacting the family & all the relations between this guy & FxSol will be published in the Blog Posted by Forex Courtat Wednesday, April 16, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Felix Homogratus, Foreign exchange market, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading The Mysterious Relationship between AVAFX and FX Solution (FxSol) After revealing the facts behind FX Solution (FxSol) and AVAFX- the two brokerage firms- and after showing the fact that they are brought to the light by FPA, or especially by Felix, there is another mystery to come. Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions (FxSol) and AVAFX, two brokerage firms. Concerning FX Solutions (FxSol), we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions (FxSol) is the brother in law of the Bastards’ Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army. On the other hand, AVAFX Owned and managed by the old forex guru, David Cohen, born in Russia in 1928, migrated to Israel in 1948, then found his way to USA and wall street in the early 60s. David Cohen is an icon in the financial world even though many do not agree on his some what brutal methods of making money. Cohen has built and burned many brokerage companies in the last decades, and some of those burned companies have caused huge losses to his clients. He was one of he key player of the famous refco disaster. (read more about refco here) Cohen has been very careful about photographing, and very few pictures are available about him. He has also been moving around the world with no announced particular address. Moreover, there sags from darkness this mystery to become instead a fact.He is holding large shares in FxSolutions (FxSol) and fully owns AVAFX which is a registered company on BVI (British Virgin Island) which is considered a paradise for taxes and money hiding from authorities in regulated countries. Cohen is the mentor of many forex foxes; some of them have been doing extremely well. An example, his fellow Russian Dimitry (Felix) and many others. Back to avafx, given the fact that the deposits of AVAFX go directly to Cyprus, another money heaven for those running from law and Posted by Forex Courtat Wednesday, April 16, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: AVAFX, Coffman, David Cohen, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, FPA, FX Solutions, fxsol, Tom Yeomans Peter Bain and the Undoubtedly From Being another Felix Peter Bain and the Undoubtedly From Being another Felix There seems to be many names here, but who knows, may all these names be a One for the same character!!! As a Forex Trader or a beginner you may certainly hear about Peter Bain- the owner of http://www.forexmentor.com/ which provides traders with both education and signals- and who is also a member in FPA (Forex Peace Army). This tight relationship between Felix Homogratus and Peter Bain depends on sending signals to FPA to provide Forex traders with it, which are unfortunately wrong signals, and thus helping in gaining money for nothing, money from others loss. Certainly this black business is quite similar if not typically to Coffman’s (Felix) black business history. So, one may expect that Peter Bain may be another fake character of Felix’s. Posted by Forex Courtat Wednesday, April 16, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Dmitri Chavkerov, Felix Homogratus, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading, Peter Bain, Tom Yeomans FPA And Peter Bain…Another Form of Scam Peter Bain…Another Form of Scam Has any one of you ever heard about Master/Slave relationship? For sure all of us know the meaning of such a kind of relationships. Here you can easily apply it in Felix Homogratus and Peter Bain relationship. Peter Bain is the owner of http://www.forexmentor.com/ a website for Forex education and signal provider. But also there is another job for him; he is a member of FPA!!! And here is the link where you can see the proof: http://web.archive.org/web/20060208225501/http://forexbastards.com/ Peter Bain also sells his expert adviser and educational courses on DVDs, and moreover he advises traders not to begin trading before asking for his advice, for the sake of good trade!!! Thus, how he can be considered a well qualified master when he doesn’t have a class master who can teach people great courses like Forex. He just learned two lessons or may be more than that from Felix about Forex, and he depends on this shaken fact to propagate for himself as a well qualified master in Forex!!! Posted by Forex Courtat Wednesday, April 16, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: foreign exchange, foreign forex exchange education, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading, FPA, Peter Bain, review scamming Coffman (Felix) and Tom Yeomans…Two Faces of the Same Coin Coffman (Felix) and Tom Yeomans…Two Faces of the Same Coin There is an obvious fact that Felix and Tom Yeomans are two faces of the same coin exactly like EUR/USD pair. And for that it seems to be the real reason behind naming their website as http://www.eurusdtrader.com And here is a link for a blog that shows Felix and Tom’s scams. http://tradersguild.wordpress.com/2007/10/24/if-it-quacks-like-a-duck/ If it quacks like a duck… Filed under: Forex, Scams — trader2be @ 3:32 pm Talking about ‘potential’ scams, here is a little one fresh off the press that I received in my inbox this morning: http://www.secretforexsociety.com/fantaseaone/ Now, a few interesting things about this one: The email was sent by ‘Felix Homogratus’, an individual who obviously uses a nickname to run his business. His real name is Dmitri Chavkerov. My gut tells me that there is something fishy about running a business under a nickname but maybe that’s just me. ‘Felix’ runs a few sites, one of those is http://www.forexbastards.com. According to Felix “ForexBastards was founded in January of 2006, after I literally couldn’t handle getting screwed any longer. Learning how to trade forex I went through several forex brokers, a few different trading signals providers and used multiple forex educational training services; some brilliant, some useless and some down right horrible.”. For some reason I get the feeling that his Yacht Seminar is a typical example of the types of scams his website was meant to expose. The speakers include Felix’s partner, Rob Grespinet. According to the agenda, “If he feels like it, [Rob] will share with the participants the “inner talk” and “big boys outlook” on the forex market over the next year. Otherwise, we’ll just have to enjoy his profanity and witty humor.”. Have you ever been to a seminar where one of speakers may or may not participate depending on his mood on that day? Interesting character… Now the piece de resistance is the other two speakers: Skip Atwater and Marty Rosenblatt. Those guys are supposedly experts in ‘Remote Viewing’. Now I have to admit that I had to look up ‘Remote Viewing’ because I had no idea what that meant. I thought that maybe it was the name of a new fancy indicator or strategy but I came to find that remove viewing (RV) is “is a protocol used in consciousness research where a viewer attempts to gather sense impressions and “knowingness”, non-sensorial information, about a target.” So basically we are talking about telepathy or clairvoyance in trading the Forex?!?! How desperate are we getting here? What’s next, opening a ‘channel’ to Jesse Livermore to ask him for tips? The last speaker is ‘anonymous’ and I quote “He wants to keep his identity unknown before the seminar”. Come on…people using nicknames, others using clairvoyance, and this last one the enigmatic speaker who wants to remain incognito. Is it a trading seminar or a masquerade? Is there really a difference? I am starting to wonder. As another test, let’s go back to the CFTC warnings and let’s see how many apply to this ‘invitation’: “Stay away from opportunities that seem too good to be true”. In Felix’s own words: “I can teach you a trading system that in my experience can easily make you into a forex millionaire in 3 years or less”. Now here note the word ‘EASILY’, ‘MILLIONAIRE’, and ‘3 YEARS’. Too good to be true? I also always like when systems promise to make you plenty of money with extremely little effort. Two beautiful examples in this invitation. First from Felix himself ” I’ll be honest with you, because of this way of trading, I am starting to become very lazy, and I am actually sleeping through a lot of the news announcements that I used to trade short term.” Next from Skip Atwater: “The technique takes 1 hour per day, 5 days per week, and it has made this guy millions”. “Be Sure You Get the Company’s Performance Track Record”. In Felix’s own words again “[Rob Grespinet] is a heavy weight financial giant, and most people will never be able to comprehend the level of connections this guy has. Just being in this guy’s presence is an honor”….Ok, what is HIS performance track record? Numbers please! About Skip Atwater: “he will be teaching a simple technique he has been using over the years. The technique takes 1 hour per day, 5 days per week, and it has made this guy millions.” So this guy is going to teach me how to use psychic abilities to make money in the market? Show me a trading journal here, show me a trading account statement! Quantify this guy’s trading system’s expectancy! Last but not least: “this is Felix writing, and if you know me, you should know by now that I don’t throw empty words into thin air”. Actually Felix I don’t know you, at all! Actually it’s only by googling ‘Felix Homogratus’ that I was able to find your real name. Maybe you’ve made millions but for all I know none of it was made through trading, maybe you have made all this money scamming retail traders. Ok, I have already wasted enough time analyzing this email. My only point is that there are plenty of emails like this one finding their way in my inbox every single day, making incredible promises, telling me that there is a system out there that could make me millions by just working one hour a day, and to be honest I not only don’t believe any of them but I have to come to find them insulting. As individuals who are entering the retail trading world, this is what we are exposed to. We have to be vigilant, extremely vigilant. 5 Comments » Hey great post, I think Felix is a scammer too! I sometimes test Forex services and I tried Felix’s service. They claim to have a 1 pip spread on GBP/JPY and they go for profits of 5 pips. Most people have a 6+ pip spread on the pair so when he claims 5 pips profit to people with a real spread its -5 pips!! STAY AWAY I made a YouTube video of me posting a negative comment about one of his services and how it never made it onto his review section. Check it out: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWmyYDJn5P0?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=500&h=282] Also I am going to link to my review section (hope thats ok??) it is non-biased and I do not manipulate results: http://www.forex4noobs.com/product_reviews.php FELIX IS A SCAM! Comment by Nick b — November 28, 2007 @ 2:42 am Felix or Dmitri Chavkerov is a scammer check out latest news of Dmitri and his girlfriends arrest by ICE. http://www.chicagotribune.com/services/newspaper/printedition/saturday/chi-immig_satdec08,0,7556610.story?coll=chi_home_class Comment by felix is a scammer — December 9, 2007 @ 8:40 pm Learn to read. The arrest was of was Felix’s girlfriend and her temporary husband, not Felix. How does helping his GF break immigration rules change Felix’s work in Forex? Comment by Say What? — December 13, 2007 @ 3:04 pm To the person above me, I have this to say: It may have been his girlfriend, but who was the, ahem, ordained minister that conducted the ceremony? Also, while only supposition, who do you think was the mastermind behind the scheme and the one paying the sham husband for this indecent proposal? Hmm, makes ya think now, doesn’t it? This entire escapade was clearly an attempt to circumvent immigration laws and manipulate circumstances to his own advantage regardless of those incidental things like law, ethics and morals! Says a lot about his character, doesn’t it? And if he sees no wrong in doing stuff like that, it makes you wonder how above board other aspects of his life are or is it just me that thinks the subject heading to this blog is extremely fitting? ‘His’ work in forex, for example, tell me what that is exactly? He has presented nothing original of his own as far as I can see. His one true ability is that of very talented marketeer and it cannot be denied him. He can take other peoples’ trading ideas and present them to a wide audience with an uncanny ability. He doesn’t care who he shats on to get there though. Case in point: He was fortunate enough to be part of Tom Yeomans’ old core news trading group (which I was also part of) and he saw the potential there for milking the old goat. Despite the overwhelming majority of Tom’s students warning him that it would ruin the strategy, Tom’s greed got the better of him and he went into short term business with Dmitri anyway. What happened? It ruined the strategy! Not before both of them made a killing from the selling of the info though. Poor old Tom was not competent enough to have any kind of decent back up plan (his news trading technique was itself pilfered from Jimmy Young) and has had to resort to selling other peoples’ software since parting company. There were some very bright people in his group though and one of them – Safwan Hak – developed a way to automate the spike trading to its fullest potential – a necessity after the deluge of new news traders subsequent to Dmitri’s ‘Freedom Forex’ marketing machine made the old strategy redundant. Saf is a highly intelligent programmer and his prototype software was given freely to all the members of the original core group. Not one to miss a trick, Dmitri got his own friend/programmer, Rob Allen, to make a copy of what Saf had done and that is essentially what you see today marketed as the so called ‘Secret News Weapon’. Incidentally, Saf and others were jettisoned from the group, ostensibly for stealing Dmitri’s client list, but the real truth is that Safwan had far more to him of practical worth and was threatening to steal Dmitri’s central spotlight. We couldn’t have that now, could we? Dmitri and his new band of acolytes will deny this vehemently, but those that were actually there at the time know only too well that this was indeed the case. The Forexbastards site (now known as the ludicrous ‘Forexpeacearmy&rsquo started off as a very good idea and although it is impossible for anyone other than Dmitri himself to tell you if the intention behind it was genuinely honorable and meant to expose the corruption that goes on in this industry, or whether it was an elaborate ploy from the beginning to ultimately use as a platform from which to sell to an established and trusting (naive?) public, is anyones guess. What can be said with certainty is that it was another example of where his true genius lies – MARKETING! As the story goes, a subscriber to the Forexbastards signals gave word to him about a Mr Claude Grespinet, who allegedly was another hotshot trader. Dmitri wormed his way into Claude’s circle and before you can say, “Vladdy Vladivostok”, a new signal service was born! Opinion is divided as to the usefulness of this service, but when it comes to trying to give negative views about it on his own Forexbastards site, I need point you no further than Nick B’s video on YouTube. There are numerous other stories along these lines, but the aforementioned make up the bulk of the history. In summation then, I put this question to the guy above: Does all of THIS change how you view ‘Felix’s work’??? What I can’t understand is that given Homo-boy’s amazing powers of foresight, mystically enhanced no less with the power of remote viewing, how he couldn’t have seen the consequences of his actions in this marriage debacle? To quote that great philosopher of our time, Homer Simpson, “Doh!”!!! Merry Christmas and remember, don’t let those bastards take your money! Comment by Hup Yoorz — December 21, 2007 @ 11:24 pm If Felix makes millons in the Forex Market why is he taking the time to become an ordained minister and marry his girl freind for a measily 15k payed at $300 a month? Can’t Felix just pay cash for his girl freind to get married with one trading day’s earnings? Posted by Forex Courtat Wednesday, April 16, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Coffman, Education and Training scam, felix, Felix Homogratus, forex, forex peace army, forex trading, Tom Yeomans Tom Yeomans Scam Warning Tom Yeomans Scam Warning Nowadays FPA (Forex Peace Army) becomes one of the most famous websites that makes reviews about brokers in Forex Market. And actually all of you must be aware of their real intuitions after reading our bogs, which are certainly formed after many investigations about them. There has been found that FPA was making many advertises for a guy called, Tom Yeomans Fraud, for his educational site and signal provider. And here is their review about him: Felix Homogratus, USA “I am very excited to have found this website. Jimmy Young is supposedly Tom Yeoman’s mentor and Tom is a very profitable trader! I am going to be looking to learn from this guy, and be posting a real review later.” What is ridiculous here is that Tom Yeomans is a big Fraudster!!! And this is actually not a surprising fact about FPA reviews, for almost all their reviews are considered as scams. If once any one tries to search about his reviews, he will find many scam reviews about him. It seems like all Forex Market’s reviews about him are nothing but scams, except for FPA. Posted by Forex Courtat Wednesday, April 16, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Chats and Forums, felix, Felix Homogratus, foreign exchange, Foreign exchange market, foreign forex exchange education, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading Sunday FPA Helps FX Solutions and AVAFX Helping FX Solutions and AVAFX Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions and AVAFX, two brokerage firms. Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards’ Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army. On the other hand, AVAFX- a well known brokerage firm- is registered in Tel Aviv. So what one can actually think about Israeli strategies? For their strategy depends on taking other shapes of the same thing as a curtain for them. Both of these two brokers are affirmed by FPA as the best brokerage firms to deal with and they give them the highest rank in their reviews. Felix by doing so adopts these two brokerage firms to make them reach their highest top. And no body even asks himself about the real reason behind that. Posted by Forex Courtat Sunday, April 13, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Chats and Forums, Commodities and Futures, felix, Felix Homogratus, foreign exchange, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading FX Solutions Lies FX Solutions Swallow the Market There is no doubt that the majority of you know what FX Solutions is. It is one of the greatest brokerage firms in our Forex Market, which is given the highest rank by FPA in their reviews. Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions. Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards’ Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army. Thus, after affirming the credibility and reliability of FX Solutions it can be concerned one of the best brokers to trade with. By doing so, FX Solutions is swallowing the market, for all reviews about it affirms its goodness. Posted by Forex Courtat Sunday, April 13, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Chats and Forums, Commodities and Futures, felix, Felix Homogratus, foreign exchange, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading Forex Family Bastards Forex Family Bastards Actually all of you know about Forex Bastards, which is changed now to be Forex Peace Army. And you know also that this FPA is owned by Felix or Coffman, Bastards’ Master. Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions. Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards’ Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army. Thus, achieving what may be called Forex Family Bastards. Posted by Forex Courtat Sunday, April 13, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Felix Homogratus, Foreign exchange market, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading, FX Solutions, fxsol The Owner of FX Solutions Image via Wikipedia The Owner of FX Solutions There is no doubt that the majority of you know what FX Solutions is. It is one of the greatest brokerage firms in our Forex Market, which is given the highest rank by FPA in their reviews. After investigations and analysis, we come to the fact that FX Solutions is owned by Felix or Coffman’s brother in law!!! So, Felix owns Forex Peace Army and his brother in law owns FX Solutions, Felix works for the favor of his brother in law and gives his brokerage firm the highest rank. Thus, traders can easily trust and go trading there. Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army. Here seems to have a circle between these brothers. They achieved what we call Link uterus, for they are relatively working for the sake of each other. Posted by Forex Courtat Sunday, April 13, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Brokerages, Business, Commodities and Futures, Felix Homogratus, Foreign exchange market, forex, FX Solutions, Investing, United States, US FX Solutions and AVAFX Secrets About FX Solutions and AVAFX Secrets There is no doubt that in any field there are many branches. In Forex Market, there are banks, brokers, investors, traders, clients, etc… The main thing that differs a broker from the other is its reliability and credibility. Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions and AVAFX, two brokerage firms. Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards’ Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army. On the other hand, AVAFX- a well known brokerage firm- is registered in Tel Aviv. Both of these two brokers are affirmed by FPA as the best brokerage firms to deal with and they give them the highest rank in their reviews. So, there is an obvious link here between these three angles of the same triangle. But only he who wants to see the truth will notice it. Posted by Forex Courtat Sunday, April 13, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: AVAFX, Felix Homogratus, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading, FX Solutions Unrecognized Forex Owners The owner of FPA There is an effective yet a real quote that says “life is so small”. Actually, not all of us believe in it, but there are facts and actions in our daily life that may have a proof for it. For instance, in our Forex Market we used to hear about scams and spammers, but are all what we hear real or fake? Who knows!! Many if not all traders in Forex Market may hear about Forex Peace Army, the forums site that aims to make reviews about brokers, which are actually Fake Reviews. This site’s owner is known as Felix, but his real name is Coffman, the fact we attain recently. He owns many other sites of brokerage firms and forums, like MB Trading. His black business begins to have an imprint in Forex Market, for there are many traders begin to be either afraid or hesitated from dealing with certain brokers, which are actually patent. Posted by Forex Courtat Sunday, April 13, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Commodities and Futures, Foreign exchange market, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading, fxsol Secrets Of Forex Peace Army Secrets of Felix After investigations we came up with Felix’s secrets (Bastards’ Master). His real name is Coffman. He is an American citizen; he is a rich man from a rich family. Moreover, Coffman is the owner of MB Trading- a brokerage firm- which is registered in the States. Also, his brother in law is one of the owners of FX Solutions, which is a brokerage firm also registered in the States. So, Coffman, or as all of you used to call him a Felix, is the owner of Forex Peace Army (FPA, which was Forex Bastards before), Forex Diamonds, King Signal Forex, and there is the newest predicate that http://www.mbtrading.com/ is owned by him. After all previous announcements, there is no need to show you who Coffman (Felix) is, the bastard who make allegations about other patent brokers, and at the same time working for the sake of his own broker and his brother’s too!!! Posted by Forex Courtat Sunday, April 13, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Foreign exchange market, foreign forex exchange education, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading, fxsol, mbtrading FX Solutions Swallow the Market FX Solutions Swallow the Market Our mission here is to show the truth and trying to save Forex Market from those bastards. Actually, no body knows what is going around Forex Circle. Many brokers, banks, traders and among them links for black firms that intend to attract and build propaganda that makes traders feel confused, hesitated, afraid, disturbed, and dissatisfied from their brokers, Why? FX Solutions dealing room: After investigation in a certain circumstances, we knew a friend working in FX Solutions dealing room who is not interested in his current job and asked me for finding a job for him. While I was talking with him about his company, I heard a voice telling me FPA!! The owner of FX Solutions is Jewish that reveals the Jewish plan Posted by Forex Courtat Sunday, April 13, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Chats and Forums, Commodities and Futures, felix, Felix Homogratus, foreign exchange, Foreign exchange market, foreign forex exchange education, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading Forex Blackmail Under The Table Blackmail under the Table As an opposing fact to reality, there is the invisible side of human relationships. This anonymous way is only for those whose actions are mean to fear from displaying it in public. What a ridiculous fact!! Relatively, this has been already displaying in our Forex Market as well as in our daily life. And unfortunately no body but the minority observes this. Bastards’ Master, Felix who considers himself the Great Savior of innocent traders, doesn’t name or mention these two firms in his scam attack. And no body asks himself for the reason behind that, or why these two brokerage firms are the only best brokers.Instead, all what he does is Posted by Forex Courtat Sunday, April 13, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Chats and Forums, Commodities and Futures, felix, Felix Homogratus, foreign exchange, Foreign exchange market, foreign forex exchange education, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading Wednesday Protect Forex Market with Firewall against Spammers Protect Forex Market with Firewall against Spammers If you are interesting in trading especially in Forex Market, then you should be recruited with us to protect and save it from the spammers who want to destroy it, even if it is required to build a Firewall against them. Our weapon in this war should be our deep belief in the existence of the goodness. Those spammers built their own websites in order to persuade innocent traders with their devilish superstitions. The problem is that in such a Market a tiny word can cause disturbance, so what if a whole Forums or websites discussing bad allegations. There is a list of their websites we attain till now: ·Kingforexsignals.com ·Forexrealm.com ·Forexdiamonds.com ·Secretnewsweapon.com ·alansmoneyblog.com/forum ·Mbtrading.com Some of these websites are Brokerage Firms and some other are for Forums. And who knows if there is another websites. We discovered those spammers’ method, for they are making their allegations in their forums to attract people and make them either to believe them or to fear trading with brokers they mention. And after that they propose certain brokers for traders, which are in fact belonging to them. And they practice their erection on them. What we gain after following those spammers is just loss, so what if for once we follow our reason? Posted by Forex Courtat Wednesday, April 02, 20081 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Brokerages, Chats and Forums, Commodities and Futures, Education and Training, felix, Felix Homogratus, Foreign exchange market, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading Protect Forex Market against Mafia Protect Forex Market against Mafia It is a ridiculous fact that wherever there is success there is enemies fighting it. And here comes the role of the allies of success to protect it against those enemies, and keep it alive. Forex Market is the representative of the economic world, which is characterized by occasionally changes. In such a world, there are traders, banks, brokers, investors, economists. And also there are those bustards, who are actually a group of people forming a Mafia, whose sole aim is to destroy this great Market. Their strategy is built on attracting traders; they play their tricks on traders for they are the majority. First of all, I’d like to specify my speech by prevailing those bustards. The websites we know about till now are Forex Peace Army (known as Forex Bustards before), King Forex Signals, Forex Diamonds, Forex Realm, Secret news weapon, alansmoneyblog.com/forum, and finally MB Trading. The well known bustard of them is known as Felix, or Dimitry, or Alan, or Adam, or Pharaoh, or Unknown. Those bustards are trying to play with traders’ mind; they make allegations in their forums about patent brokers that they are swindlers, and they cheat traders by taking their money without returning it to them. Then, they nominate some brokers to deal with, and actually these brokers are belonging to them. And here comes the catastrophe, for traders go trading with them as cases of secure, then they find themselves trapped there!!! Thus, this Mafia ought to be fought to save Forex Market from falling to the ground. We traders, brokers, banks, economists, or whatever we are must stop them and bring this chaos to an end. Posted by Forex Courtat Wednesday, April 02, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Brokerages, Commodities and Futures, Education and Training, Felix Homogratus, Foreign exchange market, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading, Ken Zhong, Mafia, platform Convert Your Way in Thinking about Forex Brokers Convert Your Way in Thinking about Forex Brokers There is no doubt that our intuition says that if any one wants to make good so the results must be for the benefit of the others. But what if this one pretends doing well and his intention and the results are evil. Actually, trading in Forex Market contains risks as well as secure. But the percentage of risk is unpredictable, for you cannot claim your profit or loss 100%; it is just left to fortune. Besides, there are certain people allege that they know what is good for traders and what is bad, but in reality they are the evil itself! It is considered selfishness of them to call certain brokers scam and nominate theirs as patent. And the inculpable traders have no choice but either to believe them or to become worried about it, which is actually a bad sign. Their effect is influential if not ruinous. Therefore, we should play an active role in protecting Forex Market as well as innocent traders from those Bustards, whose Master is called Felix. There must be a call for converting our way of thinking about Forex Brokers and about those enemies’ real aim. We should know what the benefit they gain from their bad signs about patent brokers, and what the benefit brokers will gain if they lose their clients!! Posted by Forex Courtat Wednesday, April 02, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Brokerages, Chats and Forums, Commodities and Futures, Education and Training, felix, Felix Homogratus, foreign exchange, Foreign exchange market, forex, forex peace army, forex scam, Ken Zhong Pharaoh is the New Name for Felix!! Pharaoh is the New Name for Felix!! Throughout Forex Forums we can see many characters discussing many topics. But there are particular characters concerned with making troublesome in their Forums, so that they can attract people to participate in their Forums and thus, achieving their sole purpose which is to accuse patent brokers with being scams. The most famous character but almost the only one is known as Felix, who has many different names, such as Felix, Dimitry, Alan, Adam, Robert, Rob, David, George, and lastly but not finally Pharaoh . What an expressible name!!! All of us know that Pharaoh means he who vanquish and has an omnipotence power. And to speak the truth this is what really he does. If once you try to view Forex Forums at Forex Peace Army (known as Forex Bustards before) or Forex Diamonds, or http://alansmoneyblog.com/forum/index.php, orhttp://www.moneyguruforum.com/, you will find Pharaoh or Felix’s discussion there, but rather you will find their scams about brokers their. The problem is that people either believe them and keep away from these brokers, or instead become worried and fear trading with them or with any other. And certainly this result makes them content. But actually my conscience as a trader fearing from being trapped directs me to show and guide you to the truth. And I hope this may help traders as well as Forex Market from those Devils. Posted by Forex Courtat Wednesday, April 02, 20081 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Dmitri Chavkerov, Felix Homogratus, forex peace army, forex scam, forex trading, forexbastards, forexpeacearmy, Ken Zhong, tahir Sunday Felix is the Owner of MB Trading Felix is the Owner of MB Trading This blog was sent to me by email from one of the visitors of my blog, suffering adding this story to the package of Felix scam websites‘ group. Do not be afraid from trading in Forex after reading this post, but take care from the one who attack Forex. It is obvious that Forex Market suffers from many problems as an economic world. But it is also clear that there are many enemies who want to disturb it and bring it to the ground; they are definitely called Bustards. In fact, those Bustards built their own website and named it with their name “Forex Bustards”!!! They built it to destroy patent brokers by making allegations about them that they are scams. Then after discovering their crime, they changed its name to be “Forex Peace Army”, where they continued their devilish mission. Actually, those Bustards have many websites, the fact that many people do not know, such websites like Forex Bustards, Forex Peace Army, Forex Diamonds, King Signal Forex, and there is the newest predicate that http://www.mbtrading.com/ is owned by Felix, the Bustard. This is what I found written in the email: “MB Trading is a Broker website where I traded with 20,000$, and the result was that I lost them, for they gave me wrong signals and they did not return to me my money. And there is 1300$ pending withdrawal from 10/2007 and till now there is no money”. May be there are many websites owned by Felix and no body knows about them. So if you please, if any body knows any thing about it inform us by sending an email at forex.peace.army@gmail.com Posted by Forex Courtat Sunday, March 30, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: Brokerages, Business, Commodities and Futures, Education and Training, felix, Foreign exchange market, forex, Investing Friday Currency scam: FBI arrests 48 Forex brokers & ForexPeaceArmy Currency scam: FBI arrests 48 Forex brokers & ForexPeaceArmy January 19, 2008 18:47 IST Federal Bureau of Investigation agents on Tuesday arrested 48 foreign exchange brokers & Felix Homogratus the owner of forexpeacearmy in connection with a probe into securities and currency fraud, according to a CNN/Money report. The FBI swarmed on New York City’s Two World Financial Center shortly after 3 p.m. ET and took away the traders in handcuffs, people on the scene told CNNfn. The building is mainly occupied by Wall Street brokerage Merrill Lynch, but Merrill Lynch was not home to the arrested brokers, CNN/Money said. “It’s currency fraud, securities fraud,” an agent at the scene of the arrests said. FBI sources told CNN/Money that the Wall Street traders will be charged with swindling retail investors of an undisclosed amount of cash over the past year. NBC reported the defendants scammed retail investors into thinking they were buying multimillion-dollar foreign exchange trades when it is not possible for those types of investors to participate in such deals. Among those arrested were three brokers at the inter-dealer brokerage ICAP. Seven employees of Madison Deane and Associates Inc were also arrested, CNN/Money added. At least two other firms were involved, sources said, adding none of the companies targeted were household names outside of the securities industry but are well known and regarded in the Wall Street community. Posted by Forex Courtat Friday, March 28, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: forexbastards, forexpeacearmy, forum, mind news news, philosophy, platform, rashid, review scamming, reviews, scam, services, spam, system system, tahir, trader forextrading Terrorists On Wall Street Terrorists On Wall Street There is a great deal of fraud in the Forex market, so it would wise for the new forex investor to check out the broker thoroughly. Other good ways of checking a broker is by talking to other Forex traders through the many forums dedicated to foreign exchange. Otherwise, it would be difficult to check the background of the broker, and little one can do if the broker turns out to be less than honest .The funds of most Forex brokers are not guaranteed, nor are they segregated from the funds of the firm. If the firm goes bankrupt, you will probably be just a general creditor, and may not get all, or any, of your money back. No government organization guarantees the funds, unlike the funds in a bank account or a stock brokerage account. Don’t Trust who make reviews for brokers because most of them take money from scam brokers to add them as stars Example: ForexBastards, forexpeacearmy, forexdiamond Felix Homogratus or Dmitri Chavkerov is the owner of Felix peace Army who send many threats to brokers & many other provocations to make them pay money for avoiding fake scams to be made by him. He is doing that & attracting traders by sending signals to them All The signals are wrong 100% to make them lose their money with brokers to find more complaints about brokers & the game is begin So fare a battle between Felix & brokers. Felix owns many fake brokerage firms; Felix was in the jail for more than 7 years FBI investigated with him & all his capital was reserved He made a fake marriage contract He is not American Citizen Posted by Forex Courtat Friday, March 28, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: disturbing, foreign forex exchange education, forexbastards, forexpeacearmy, reviews, scam, scamming, services, set, signals, software Tuesday Disturbing Forex Market There is no doubt that if you are a trader in the Forex Market, you will be much concerned with Forex Market’s stability and conditions. There are many factors that cause Forex Market’s inclination. read more | digg story Posted by Forex Courtat Tuesday, March 25, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Cases of Felix Homogratus | Forex Bastards They promote their signal service, fooling novice Forex traders to count on them in trading the news. they have caused hundreds of people to lose big money. They even dare to promise you if you lose that they can blackmail the broker to get you your money back. They have done that several times and we have seen traders burned by their flames, read more | digg story Posted by Forex Courtat Tuesday, March 25, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Monday Cases of Felix Homogratus | Forex Bastards Cases of Felix Homogratus | Forex Bastards They promote their signal service, fooling novice Forex traders to count on them in trading the news. they have caused hundreds of people to lose big money. They even dare to promise you if you lose that they can blackmail the broker to get you your money back. They have done that several times and we have seen traders burned by their flames, and they try to flame brokers too, some times succeed and others not. Google for Felix combined with Oanda, Interbanfx, FXCM, Forex.com, and any broker of your choice, you will see their scams, a replica used with tens of brokers over the past 3 years, and the victims, hundreds of traders who get broke. See what I found about those bunches of crooks on the web, and don’t ask me, I have been also burned by these thieves. The email sent by Felix the bastard: “Hi there one of my full time Forex trading buddies just had a serious problem happen. He had an account with http://www.interbankfx.com/ with $620,000 of real money in it. They went through some “technical difficulties”, executed a bunch of trades that he didn’t execute, margin called him, e.t.c. Long story short, lost him $280,000 in a matter of days, because of “technical difficulties”. Then he spoke to the CEO of the company, who shook his hand, admitted that these were indeed technical difficulties, and he would take care of him. Now, they are dropping the ball on him, saying that he is a beginner trader, and it was all his fault…I mean these guys opened some trades while this guy was out of town! Having this website, I get a bunch of different complaining emails from people, and obviously I usually don’t email about people’s problems to you. But in all honesty, I know this guy very well personally, I’ve seen his account statements, and I know he is not bullshitting me. I mean this guy was making hundreds of thousands in Forex, while I was still in high school, and didn’t even know what the word Forex meant. And by the way, it’s not Tom or Rob…it’s somebody else. Here is the real reason why I am emailing you. This guy has a lawsuit going against Interbank FX right now, he already has a federal attorney involved, and he is trying to shut these suckers down, in addition to getting some of his money back. If you had an account with Interbank FX, and you also feel you got “screwed” by them, then perhaps you could add yourself to the lawsuit, and recover some of your losses, and put an extra complaint against them to get them shut down. If you want to get involved in this or have some other helpful information for my friend, please don’t respond to this email, instead send an email with your story to interbankfxfraud@forexbastards.com To Our Success! -Felix Homogratus” Posted by Greenfield (Member # 2533) on June 20, 2006 02:45 PMJune 20, 2006 02:45 PM: So now we hear from both sides, let us think about it, make good judgment, and do further research if we have to. Know the truth and the truth will set you free. Here is the email I got from Interbanfx: Hello Mr. Chang, I appreciate your comments and we have to say that we are saddened by the potential impact that lies and rumors can cause. To help you help us to combat these types of deceptions, we are providing you additional details which you can distribute. They are a summary of a 6 page response letter which was sent to Cash monsters clients. Warm regards, Javier H. Paz Institutional Sales Director A reckless and unprincipled trader named Carlos Roman, of Cashmonsterz, has apparently asked his buddy Dmitri (Felix) of http://www.forexbastards.com/ to defame Interbank FX. Carlos turned $370,000 into a $100,000 master account in a matter of days. His approach to trading was to max out the available margin of the master, to close the positive side of trades and let the open losses ride with the hope that the market would turn around. In sideways markets this approach might work many times, but on May 11 and 12 the British pound trended on a big way and touched 1.9000, forcing him to place a hedge 600 pips wide! After that point, the sub-accounts were on intensive care. He called multiple times asking us to cancel the trades with the promise of bringing more clients to us. We told him we couldn’t do this for him. To complicate matters further, he changed Pamm settings an average of once a day and kept on trading aggressively taking many accounts to a margin call situation. The more he changed the Pamm settings, the more difficult it was to perfectly hedge open positions. Throughout this period, Interbank FX tried all within its power to make sure that subaccounts were hedged, but things evolved to a point were several subaccounts could no longer be hedged because they had fallen below the 100% margin level. Posted by stevegee58 (Member # 4086) on June 20, 2006 03:01 PMJune 20, 2006 03:01 PM My god. If I’d been pushing trades with my *own* money to the max like that I’d be sh1tting my pants. If it was other people’s money, I’d jump out a freaking window if I wasn’t dead from a coronary already. Posted by Fisher King (Member # 3924) on June 20, 2006 03:05 PMJune 20, 2006 03:05 PM: I’m going to have to believe Interbanfx on this one. Posted by Piprider (Member # 4331) on June 20, 2006 03:24 PMJune 20, 2006 03:24 PM: I will believe interbank fx too. It looks like Mr. D u m b A s s was good enough to attract money from clients – good enough to feel it is a marketable enough skill to offer it in trade for having his dealer take the losses of the positions he accumulated but with money management skills equivalent to those of Danielgsx. Then, he tries to mitigate the damage by trying to play on the public opinion’s general distrust of market makers. He should have partnered up with someone who can really trade and relegated himself solely to the solicitation of funds from clients. Instead, he took everyone to the crapper at light speed. Posted by Orlando FlyBoy (Member # 3974) on June 21, 2006 10:20 AMJune 21, 2006 10:20 AM: Well, I don’t get it. It appears that they are talking about two different things, but making it sound like the same thing. Was this a platform error that executed trades by itself, a newbie trader that traded badly, a managed account where the “manager” traded badly (without the account holder’s permission, or against the wishes of how the account would be traded), or Interbank FX hedging that went haywire? Someone make it clear exactly what happened, in order, so that it is clear what the complaint is Posted by mobbbb (Member # 7422) on June 21, 2006 10:25 AMJune 21, 2006 10:25 AM: Maybe a gohst entered the trades and then vanished while the asset manager was gone ? Posted by PIPCANADA26 (Member # 9133) on July 12, 2006 06:28 AMJuly 12, 2006 06:28 AM: I went to a conference provided by Interbank here in Canada and by the way some people mention this topic and the representative from Interbanfx did say The CEO Crosland was going to reimburse Cash monsters Investors For this failures. I wonder the same why Interbank doesn’t just sue Cash monsters? legally who can prove the truth will win but by the way, then if Cash monsters is right then they could squiz the big bucks from Interbank for defamation if they have a failure that causes those losses and more than that for revaling the traders name. Was a bit impossible for me to believe that a serious company can have such failure in their software but when I saw this letter from this executive Paz I understood must be right, when you don’t have nothing to excuse you just have to be quiet, why then give explanations? When people asked what this PAMM in question is they explained works for Percentage Allocation Money Manager is used for professional traders who manage several accounts you can set to distribute by percentage or by lots, usually they said you set it once and never again. Paz mentions in his post Cashmonsters Trader Changed the Pamm every day. I want to believe that but I can’t. Reason Simply. when another assistant to this seminar asked why a trader would want to change every day the pamm settings he just said. “I don’t know” again, I’m a lawyer and that for me indicates a lie. In the other hand I asked what “hedge” term means and found that is short and long the same currency in the same account then this phrase make no sense from Interbank: “May 11 and 12 the British pound trended on a big way and touched 1.9000, forcing him to place a hedge 600 pips wide” Nobody gets forced to do nothing in Forex markets at least not even a new trader places a trade being forced by a Jedi Mind. Making math 1.9000 – 600 pips= 1.8300 here is my Idea if this guy cash monster is as good as everybody claim he was going to get not only those 600 pips back but maybe another 120 total 720 profit on the short side from the hedge, maybe such big earnings from Cashmonsters are not convenient from a company as Interbank plus trading with 620k I believe then is not hard to duplicate or triplicate an account. (I saw the pound as Paz Mentioned in his post and it went down to 1.8085 from 1.9000 that he claim is the top of the problem) As A lawyer I can say that if Interbank is right they can file a federal law suit against cash monsters where they just need to proof they trade trying to loose money. The problem for Interbank is that as far as I can see Cashmonters has not made any comments or post as Interbank do a self defense. They can not then complain Defamation. Here the Note from Zelli is good idea record your calls but that is illegal so wont be valid unless both sides agreed that both are being recorded. Then if interbank has Cashmonsters calls recorded they will win this case. I would love to hear Cashmonsters begging with the promises of more clients but I guess we wont see that. I wont open my possible self traded account with Interbank anymore and I wont open a managed account with Cashmonsters I would love to see who lies and who is honest but I want to trade I will open my account with Oanda and another one with FXSOL. Any comments about FXSOL will be truly appreciated. Cashmonsters is famous for aggressive trading then 600 pips in question should be piece of cake for an aggressive trader, Interbank is famous for the 2 pips of spread and now for revealing names. I wonder then If Interbank detected a bad trader placing crazy trades why they just did not stop or block his trading screen? Interbank make money for every trade trough the spread. I do not need to conclude then more. Looking then at Cashmonsters side, Defamation if Interbank is proven wrong can be a big problem for this company. They made public the name of the trader. Reason for which I would not open my account with Interbank Even if I was happy with what this guys proposed in this seminar here in Canada. Why? well I consider that they fail in the “discretionary code” that every company should have. and by the way is included at Interbanks agreement, another reason for me to give a point to Cashmonsters. And Finally and to conclude, when the representative from Interbank at the seminar mention that Crosland CEO from Interbak was going to reimburse the Investors that ringed my Lawyer heart. this CEO is smart who will want to have a bunch of complains at the NFA, CFTC and a pissed Trader claiming big bucks for defamation? what’s the amount in the middle? 620k I guess that is piece of cake for Interbank to cover and avoid “interbank” as a post in Oandas Forum. Nothing more disturbing. 2 great firms now full of dirt who will get clean? I don’t know and I don’t care I will trade at Oanda and FXSOL myself. 1.Felix Homogratus AKA “DIMITRI”, Rob Grespi the owners of http://www.forexbastards.com/ are always looking to make quick money from the novice traders by hiding under the entity of http://www.forexbastards.com/ and similar sites and using it to publish public opinions about respectable brokerage firms whom they are considering as competitors do not get fooled by theses scammers because this is the only way they can pay their bills, their victims are every where (you have been warned)!!!! They have a whole scam section every where just start searching about them on the web and you will be amazed 2. Felix Homogratus, Rob Grespi AKA “DIMITRI” the owners of http://www.forexbastards.com/ are big scammers many people have bought their stupid http://www.forexfreedom.com/ system and it was a major scam these guys are fools they have copied and pasted some crap into their claimed system and selling it to novice traders and make quick money from them. Do not go near them. 3. We know you are a major scam Felix!!! The words spreading like fire you and your http://www.forexbastards.com/ can not hide any more 4. This is what I found out about this “FELIX” http://www.forexbastards.com/ SCAMMER GUY looks like he is leaving a trail of destruction every where he goes the list of victims is growing its staggering. It’s nice to see his victims unite to inform the public about this PROFFESSIONAL SCAMMER!!!!!SITES WITH COMPLAINT ON THIS GUYhttp://www.felixbastard.com/http://www.peterbainscam.com/http://www.setbb.com/forexjudge/http://www.talkgold.com/forum/r107900-.html HIS GROWING LIST OF SCAM JUNK SITES.http://www.forexfreedom.com/http://www.kingofforexsignal.com/http://www.forexbastards.com/ 5. Hi guys I love your creative post! I USED TO BE a client of Dimitri or Felix the liar at http://www.forexbastards.com/ . And this guy is a total scam his system is garbage, after using his bogus chat room and signals! “now” I understand why he lost his trading account and money. He has a real conflict of interest going there he calls all of his competitors scams. Just so he can promote his garbage. I lost a lot of money following his advice a few thousandStay away from his bogus news trading and stupid alert service. They all lose money. I subscribed with one of the people he called a scam and they turned out to be very profitable. And I even submitted a positive testimonial for http://www.fxringleader.com/ & winningtraderassociation and it never made it. !!!! Hummm I guess felix is a scum bag snake oil scammer / con artist. 6. I lost money on this http://www.kingforexsignal.com/ and that stupid http://www.freedomforex.com/ promoted by http://www.forexbastards.com/ 7. This scam artist Felix AKA Dimitri always says that “If you were scammed by these people, please write to me, and I will help you get your money back” what this snack means I WILL STEAL YOUR MONEY!!!! Be warned guys never go near him of his http://www.forexbastards.com/ scam siteOriginal Posted by Forex Courtat Monday, March 24, 20080 commentsLinks to this post Labels: adam, certain mind set, currencies, disturbing, forexbastards, forexpeacearmy, forextrading, rashid, scam, scamming, spam, tahir, trader, trader philosophy Disturbing Forex Market Disturbing Forex Market There is no doubt that if you are a trader in the Forex Market, you will be much concerned with Forex Market’s stability and conditions. There are many factors that cause Forex Market’s inclination. First, there are Forex enemies who intend to speak bad mouth about some brokers in order to abuse their reputation, and make them lose traders as well. They usually claim that these brokers are scammers. They also send certain traders to some brokers in order to make problems with these brokers. These traders tend to cause troubles either by trading wrongly or by stealing money and cause these brokers’ loss like Adam Pecherski. Moreover, some of those Forex enemies, who are actually owners of Brokerage Firms, provide traders with wrong signals which consequently cause traders’ loss. Eventually, those traders will become afraid of trading in Forex and will lose trustworthy in any broker, especially those whom they dealt with. Besides, there is a technical way (a devilish one) that causes a drawback in the brokers’ trade system. It is by developing fake software as an expert adviser, this automation system claims trader’s profit without doing much effort. Actually this technique was used by Tahir Saeed as well as others. In addition, some of those enemies steal brokers’ platforms and sell them under their names, which is not in their rightful possession. It is like stealing some other’s effort and contends it to be yours. Also some of them intend establishing bad reputation for good brokers inside their own websites, so that traders and visitors to this website will see these indictments of the brokers, and as a result will keep away from them. On the other hand, those enemies spam the Forex Forums with wrong reviews about brokers to convince people of their bad business to keep them away from these brokers and cause their loss, as Rashid Ghafoor did. All these factors cause Forex Market declension and make it fall gradually, and consequently if this continues to happen Forex Market will vanish one day. There is something called Product Life Cycle It consists of three levels 1-Ascending: In which the volume of the transactions that achieved in Forex Market are increasing [From 1.9 Trillion $ to be 3 Trillion do

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